Grosvenor Underground Coal Mine Execution
Anglo American Coal
US$100 million
under budget
project relationship
7 months
ahead of schedule
8 km
overland conveyor commissioned to 100% speed no-load, in 1 week
- Develop an underground longwall metallurgical coal mine to produce up to 7 Mtpa of run-of-mine coal to become about 5 Mtpa of exportable coking coal.
- Ensure minimal impact on production at the existing Moranbah North mine, while using its coal preparation plant, rail loops, water infrastructure, and support facilities.
- Perform very detailed assessment and engineering work to integrate new equipment with 15-year-old Moranbah equipment halfway through its useful life.
- Provide EPCM services for the project execution phase, including rigorous vendor quality surveillance and overall commissioning responsibilities.
- Construction began in July 2012 with first coal production achieved in May 2016.
- Since May 2013, we have worked in a truly integrated team, with reporting and responsibilities flowing in both directions between client and us.
- Project efficiency benefited from procurement from China and shop detailing from South Africa. Safety system was ranked “the most comprehensive” for coal mine construction by Queensland Mines Inspectorate.
- Expected operating life is now over 30 years
- The Grosvenor project forms a major part of coal business unit’s growth strategy
“We don't have Hatch people and Anglo American people; we're all playing for the GPT [Grosvenor project team]. Our surface construction manager likes to say it’s a team of hard hitters and crowd pleasers, and I have to agree.”
“Given that the commissioning crew commissioned a substantial conveyor like this in a one-week timeframe, an achievement like this should not be underestimated. Quite often, when major works like this appear to happen so easily, people have a tendency to forget the previous efforts that have gone into design, construction, supervision, QA, and commissioning.”
Project numbers
US$1.7 billion7 Mtpa increase in production capacity for the next 30+ years
7 months ahead of schedule