Inside... Hatch 2023 Sustainability Report
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2023 Sustainability Report
As we look to the future, we remain focused on protecting the environment and the people we serve by developing and supporting innovative technologies and strategies that strike the balance between progress and sustainability. Our latest Sustainability Report outlines our environmental, social, and governance priorities, objectives, and performance. 
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Digital trends in infrastructure  
In the latest episode of Hatch’s digital transformation podcast series, Laura Twigge-Molecey responds to current trends in digital infrastructure, and why it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve. 
As the mining industry continues to grapple with decarbonization challenges, Hatch experts gathered with thousands of climate experts at COP28 to tackle these challenges head-on.
Investing in what matters, part 1: Reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy
Much of the conversation at COP28 focused on industry needs for commercially and socially viable environmental solutions with adequate funding, research, and technologies. With the right incentives and the right social pressure to move forward, we’ll start to see results.
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Investing in what matters, part 2: Embedding social value and socio-economic growth
In the pursuit of decarbonization, navigating challenges in developing countries requires a coordinated effort from both international and national governments. The international community influences decarbonization efforts in developing nations by establishing frameworks and incentive programs, and regions like the EU and Canada have demonstrated success in expediting the adoption of green technologies.
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Zero emission buses
It’s well accepted that diesel buses have a limited life within the transit industry. The implementation of zero emission buses (ZEBs) is a welcome contribution to the improvement of the environment within our communities. But how can cities best implement zero emission buses? And how are ZEBs fully defined and quantified?
Hatch named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies
We’re proud to be celebrating our 17th year as recipients of this prestigious award in recognition of our leadership in the areas of strategy, culture and commitment, capabilities, innovation, governance, and financial performance.
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Positive change awards
We’re delighted to announce the winners of our third annual positive change awards in recognition of employees who have made significant contributions toward strengthening our diverse teams.
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Hatch Corporate Office, Sheridan Science & Technology Park, 2800 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, ON L5K 2R7, Canada
