Ma’aden Bulghah Gold Project
Ma’aden (Saudi Arabian Mining Company)
Saudi Arabia
Heap leaching
in a remote, hot, and arid environment
37.8 hectares
of leach-pad area added
- Construct a gold heap-leach facility in two phases, each consisting of leach pads covering approximately 37 hectares in area
- Provide detailed design for the heap-leach pad in a remote, hot, and arid environment
- Hatch provided detailed engineering design and documentation for the Stage 2 extension to the existing heap-leach pad
- Services included detailed design and documentation to prepare an additional 37.8 hectares of heap-leach pad, allowing the existing conveyor systems to be relocated
- The Stage 2 pad was designed to tie in and provide a seamless extension to the operating Stage 1 pad
- The detailed design of the heap-leach pad for this gold-extraction operation took place in a remote, hot, and arid environment.
- New works were designed to tie into an existing operational heap-leach pad