Umgeni Interchange
South African National Roads Agency
South Africa
Fulton Award Winner
1.06 km
of bridges and ramps
1 million hours
with no lost time incidents on two separate instances
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering
- Critical levels of traffic congestion were occurring at the interchange between the M19/uMgeni Road and the N2 highway in Durban.
- To provide the necessary capacity, the interchange was upgraded to a multi-level systems interchange.
- Area where the interchange is located is on riverside terrain, which posed topographical constraints for the design.
- Various accesses and local streets required realignment to accommodate the upgraded interchanges.
- We performed a detailed traffic analysis and 3D site modeling to design a free-flow interchange that would meet forecasted traffic conditions.
- We were then tasked with carrying out the detailed design of all necessary service relocations, roadworks, and structures.
- Determined the most cost-effective bridge solution for each structure with structural types, including staged cast in-situ box girders, incrementally launched box girders and precast beam and slab bridges.
- Hatch received an award from the Master Builders Association for the Designer with the Best Commitment to Occupational Health and Safety.
- The new interchange will operate at a vastly improved service level providing a positive impact on the thousands of commuters who pass through daily.
Project numbers
R460 million capital cost1 million hours with no lost-time injuries on two occasions