Shaganappi Trail Pedestrian Overpass
Safer passage for pedestrians between Brentwood and Dalhousie
City of Calgary
$5 million construction cost
Safe, efficient, aesthetically pleasing and sustainable
- To prevent jaywalking and improve pedestrian safety, the City of Calgary identified the need to construct a new pedestrian bridge over the Shaganappi Trail.
- Structural ramps were constructed on both the east and west sides of the trail to facilitate access to the bridge from the city’s existing multiuse pathway network.
- Construction of the bridge over several lanes of live traffic on Shaganappi Trail (a major east-west corridor in the city) was challenging.
- A steel network arch was constructed with a 56 metre clear span over the Shaganappi Trail.
- The new structure spans the existing 6-lane roadway and allows for the future widening of the Shaganappi Trail by four additional lanes.
- It provides a safe and efficient link between the business/residential communities of Brentwood and Dalhousie.
- An efficient and aesthetically pleasing structure was delivered that provides safe passage of pedestrians and cyclists over the Shaganappi Trail.
- Hatch was the prime consultant, responsible for project management, complete design of the bridge, landscape architecture, and contract administration during construction.
Project numbers
- $5 million construction cost
- 56 metre, clear-span, steel-network arch constructed