Principal maritime gateway for eastern United States and Canada
6,251,953 TEU (with 540,149 rail lifts) was PANYNJ's 2016 throughput
30-year master plan for better revenue, land use, and operational efficiency
- Globally, we are entering a new phase of maritime commerce, with a growing demand for larger vessels, increased efficiency, and sustainable operating regimes at terminals throughout the world.
- PANYNJ embarked on the development of a 30-year port master plan, identifying areas for improved operations, alternative revenue streams, and optimizing PANYNJ-owned land.
- The overall scope included a detailed review of existing facilities, analysis of maritime and non-maritime cargos, and capacity analysis of port facilities.
- Developing a long-range master plan establishes a road map for using port property over the next 30 years, including short- and medium-term plans and associated implementation strategies.
- Conducted an existing facility assessment, including high-level inventory of assets and land uses, environmental compliance, and financial benchmarking, to develop metrics for revenue generation, opportunities, and constraints.
- Ensured stakeholder outreach to federal, state, and local officials and agencies, industry representatives, community groups, shippers, and operators.
- Performed market analysis, including industry trends and market forecasts for all cargo types, energy market assessment, warehousing and distribution-center trends, and location decision making.
- Analyzed capacity, including an infrastructure assessment for short-, medium-, and long-term throughput forecasts and identify regional transportation infrastructure (road, rail, highway, bridge, etc.) constraints.
- Developed a master plan, identifying alternatives for growth, development, and increased efficiency at PANYNJ-owned facilities over the next 30 years.
- Hatch is collaborating with PANYNJ, developing new project vision and mission statements to implement the master plan and move the port facilities forward into the next era.
- The master plan will incorporate and build upon current PANYNJ sustainability and resiliency initiatives.
- Plan addresses adaptation to climate change, sea levels rising, and emission reduction regulations that are expected to evolve over the next 15 years.
- New York and New Jersey transportation and planning agency plans and programs are being incorporated to develop a unified road map for integrating regional maritime and landside infrastructure.
Project Numbers
30-year long-range master plan3,000 waterfront acres (1,200 ha) of optimized land use
200 external stakeholders contacted and engaged