Hatch providing advisory services and executing an operational readiness, commissioning, and ramp-up program.

Commissioning, operations readiness, and ramp-up (CORE)

Ensuring the right people, systems, and equipment are ready to perform


Engineering, construction, and delivery of a facility is the first step towards delivering the original business case that attracts funding. Being able to rapidly and sustainably ramp up the facility is often not only more challenging but also higher value to the organization. 

All projects need a systematic, integrated approach to reach the expected nameplate value and deliver the performance you expect with zero harm.

Sadly, a lack of planning and preparation, as well as underestimating the effort required to ramp up your asset and start up the operations, routinely destroy a significant amount of business value.

These factors combined can easily erode 20% to 40% of your business case’s original value due to increased implementation costs, delays in achieving nameplate capacity, and increased safety issues. Historical data shows that ramp-up delays or setbacks are the largest project value destroyers by far.

Implementing a structured operational readiness, commissioning, and ramp-up (OCR) program early in the project life is by far the best investment and de-risking strategy any project could embark on. 

The ultimate business performance needs should drive the project execution approach and engaging early to increase the success rate is critical to high value capture.


When it’s time to operationalize your facility, you cannot afford to take chances. The right OCR program will ensure the right people, systems, and equipment are ready to perform when you need them. Hatch has years of specialist experience focused on planning and executing OCR programs in conjunction with our clients to maximize their success. 

As site becomes operational, we empower your staff with additional experts and specialist skills boosting both capacity and capability through integrated boots-on-the-ground teams. As trusted and committed partners, your success is our success.

OCR planning and support

Helping you scope your organization’s needs and develop an effective plan that recognizes the magnitude of the real effort and resource requirements, promotes accountability, minimizes risk, and optimizes cost without compromising business objectives or impacting operations. Ensuring that the capital execution program is aligned with rapid, sustainable handover and ramp-up in accordance with the original business goals.

OCR execution management and support

Boots-on-the-ground specialist skills to bolster your organization’s capabilities and capacity during execution, from early-stage operational readiness through to final nameplate performance. Our experts bring specialist complementary skills and programs to ensure a rapid and sustainable approach to building the performance. From hands-on problem solving and process tuning to strategic program management and reporting, our approach empowers you to reach your goals faster while still prioritizing safety.

Operational Readiness Management System (ORMS)

Helping you execute your plan and ensure a seamless transition from construction to start-up and de-risking your commissioning through our secure, scalable cloud base and easy-to-use system. ORMS helps focus efforts by highlighting critical-path challenges and areas of under-performance. Complex enough to handle billion-dollar projects but easy enough for front line operators,  ORMS is the right solution for execution management and tracking.

Read our blog on operational readiness 

Get tips on how to ensure your new operation delivers nameplate capacity.

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"Hatch ORMS functionality is providing a great insight into OR progress tracking and is highlighting any deviations from plan at an early stage—thus enabling development and implementation of mitigation solutions at an early stage, rather than waiting for last-minute scrambling."

Bruce Rasmussen | Operations Readiness Director, Al Taweelah Alumina Refinery, Emirates Global Aluminium