Improving the bulk materials value chain

Integrated Sales and Operations in Mining

Improving the bulk materials value chain

Mine-to-customer value chain processes are complex, disjointed

Logistics constraints. Market conditions. Multiple stakeholders. Traditional emphasis on production. Organizational complexity. Capturing the information required for decision-making is often time-consuming and cumbersome.

Sustaining and enhancing the sales and operations planning process can be difficult, especially when it must also consider the key performance indicators of individual teams and provide visibility to stakeholders around the globe.

A complex planning system is needed to address and manage all the variables of a mine value chain, which can span multiple time horizons and deal with both internal and external stakeholders.

From the mine face to the end-customer, these matters can compound and complicate the always-present concerns of quality, quantity, and on-time delivery when you’re fulfilling orders for bulk commodity materials to respond to the market.

Almost invariably, a one-size-fits-all approach means opportunities are lost across the value chain. You are unable to respond to changing market conditions, maximize capacity, boost customer satisfaction, and mitigate contractual non-performance penalties such as demurrage costs.

Minimize risk and maximize efficiency with mine-to-market integrated planning solutions

Our sales-and-operations planning framework drives better value across the entire value chain—from mine to customer.

Our framework easily integrates key reporting and forecasting metrics while minimizing manual reconciliations and the need to transfer information. The solution is a more realistic, demand-driven planning philosophy. With just one version of the truth shared by everyone at the same time, it's easier to get a better alignment between planning, operations, and logistics.

Add value and visibility to the entire mining value chain

Our sales-and-operations planning framework minimizes risks and increases team efficiencies and optimization opportunities for all the players and contributors.

The right products get to the right customers within the contracts' parameters and without commercial penalties. With better visibility and management of the key value drivers, optimizing the value chain is easier than ever. With consolidated and contextualized information, you can be confident in the decisions you’re making.

You’ll be able to:

  • leverage the installed value-chain capacity
  • decrease working capital
  • improve cash-flow
  • improve performance monitoring
  • enhance forecast accuracy and compliance to plan.

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