Leading by example: Celebrating our inclusive workplace on International Day for Persons with Disabilities

At Hatch, we are committed to building and nurturing an inclusive workplace and community that respects our differences and values our unique perspectives.
Our office in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, has demonstrated their commitment to this inclusivity by welcoming two employees with Down syndrome to be a part of their team this past year. Lucas Henrique Assis Martins and Viviane Ribeiro do Amaral became part of Hatch thanks to an alliance established with the Mano Down Institute.
The Mano Down Institute was originally created to contribute to the socialization of people with Down Syndrome. Over time, it has broadened its focus of action towards the development of other types of skills, including in working life and support for families. Its main objective is to make people with Down syndrome visible, included in society, and recognized for their abilities.
“Lucas and Viviane from Mano Down has contributed so much to our team and improved our team’s perception of diversity and inclusion. I love when they walk the office asking our leaders about safety and their visible felt leadership observation of the week,” shared Kezer Almeida, Hatch’s country manager, Brazil.
Learn more about how Hatch is creating positive change through a diverse and inclusive workplace.