Celebrating International Women’s Day

March 07, 2019

It’s International Women’s Day! Around the globe, women are being celebrated for their social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

At Hatch, we recognize the gender gap within our own company and within the engineering profession at large. Women make up only 13% of practicing licensed engineering in Canada, 12% in Australia, and less than 10% in the UK.

We are working to close this gap. Our aspiration is to see women make up 40% of our total population by 2023. To do so, we are addressing our pipeline in three ways: leadership development, senior-level recruitment, and how we attract the best students and young professionals to our business. We’re also working at making our workplace more supportive of a gender-balanced workforce with things like improved flex work practices and parental leave policies to support working parents, programs to increase women in the organization at all levels, and ongoing robust analyses and corrections of gender pay gaps.

We also recognize that an inclusive, positive environment is key to creating a workplace in with all people thrive. And we acknowledge our employees’ roles in encouraging diversity and inclusive because real change comes through the actions of individuals, not through programs or policies.

It’s why in celebration of International Women’s Day, we asked our staff to strike the #BalanceforBetter pose and show their support for a more gender-balanced and inclusive world.