Gold mine in Western Australia
Debottlenecking an underground mine with dynamic simulations
dynamic simulations conducted in 2 months
50% increase
in production targeted in long-term strategy
16-week study
to identify and fix bottlenecks
- Help ensure the continued viability of the gold mine by increasing haulage from underground operations.
- Address logistical bottlenecks preventing the company from reaching its five-year capacity goal for the mine.
- Improve efficiency by improving throughput without adding new equipment.
- Mapped the mine's design, including haulage routes and stockpiles.
- Linked a dynamic model to the mine's planning software, tracking the flow of goods, people, and machinery on site, including scheduling, decision rules, and fine details.
- Identified jumbo operations to be the main bottleneck, and found opportunities to improve prioritization of stoping and production activities.
- Used a dynamic model to empower the company, enabling it to challenge traditional operating and planning practices in a workshop environment.
- Numerous productivity improvements and strategic expansion options evaluated in just two months.
- Simulations tested fleet-configuration options and capabilities of jumbos, boggers, and haul trucks.
- Complex rules and interdependences for this operation were shared, collecting knowledge to help the company make better decisions.
- Dynamic model is being used to target a five-year, 50% increase in production through underground mine expansion options.
Project numbers
1,000+ dynamic simulations16-week study