Three Chain Road project
Incident-free project
Detailed design for 12.5 km road including storm-water drainage
- The client is required to upgrade Three Chain Road to provide access to the town of Moura, previously provided by Gibihi Road which was recently closed.
- The project incorporates a bridge crossing over existing conveyor lines and a mine access road, as well as a Bebo Arch structure haul road underpass.
- The project also allows for the upgrade of the existing intersections with Dawson Highway.
- Route development to establish alignment of the road.
- Management of survey and development of title plans.
- Environment and cultural heritage investigations and reporting.
- Preparation of a development application for submission to council.
- Geotechnical investigations including management of drilling and excavation contractors.
- Hydrology and hydraulic design of cross-drainage structures.
- Detailed design for the preferred option including:
- Design of 12.5 km road including storm-water drainage
- Structural design for a mine infrastructure overpass bridge and haul road underpass
- BIM modeling of structures
- Obtain appropriate approvals for the Dawson Highway/Three Chain Road intersection including a rail level crossing, realignment of 2 km of Dawson Highway together with an upgrade of two existing services (22 Kv power lines, Telstra lines), and protection of gas mains.
- Construction support services including geotechnical services.
- Personnel carried out geotechnical investigations throughout 2018 and 2019 without incident.
- New 12.5 km major regional road
Project numbers
12.5 km road design including storm-water drainageRealignment of 2 km of highway together with an upgrade of two existing intersections and relocation of existing power services