Bradfield City Centre
Leading the vision & master plan for Sydney’s third city centre
Western Parkland City Authority
Western Sydney, Australia
Sydney’s third city centre: the Western Parkland City
Gateway to the new 24/7 Western Sydney International Airport
2 million sqm floorspace for more than 17,000
- Establishing ambitious yet practical aspirations across First Nations values, greening, ecology, mobility, city form, urbanity, design excellence, smart technologies, and advanced industries.
- Maintaining a visionary master plan while integrating complex layers of planning, transport, and infrastructure decisions from multiple agencies across the broader aerotropolis.
- Navigating a pathway to transform the greenfield setting into a thriving, connected 24/7 metropolis through staged, adaptable and flexible city evolutions.
- Recognise Country Strategy: developed with Traditional Custodians and First Nations design advisors to respect and integrate First Nations values and foster connection with Country.
- Master Plan: extensive design development from a multidisciplinary team led by Hatch with best practice approaches to city form, public domain, streets, and built form.
- Design Excellence Strategy: establishing design requirements and processes for key buildings and public spaces to ensure the delivery of a world-class city.
- Global benchmarking: Over 65 case studies across seven themes of Great Places to position the city for success and resilience.
- Place Visioning: A distinct place identity and unique value proposition underpinned the design to attract industry, residents, and visitors in a globally competitive environment.
- Authentic Engagement: extensive engagement and collaboration with WPCA Board, NSW Government Agencies, Technical Assurance Panel, and Traditional Custodians.
- Trusted advisor to NSW Government as lead master planner for over 3 years.
Project Numbers
114 hectaresOver 2,000,000 sqm floorspace
More than 17,000 jobs
More than 15,000 residents
Over 36 hectares of parks and waterways