staff supporting design
- Two major nuclear generating stations, Darlington and Pickering, need refurbishments after decades of service.
- Darlington requires refurbishment to all four of its reactors. OPG is undertaking a $12.8-billion program that will refurbish the four units by 2026.
- An Extended Services Master Service Agreement covers a portfolio of projects valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.
- Projects have ranged from minor plant modifications to large refurbishment infrastructure projects.
- The projects are focused on readying the sites for major refurbishment work, including the re-tube feeder replacement island support annex (RFRISA) and refurbishment project office (RPO).
- Projects also include refurbishment fire studies, emergency power generators, and emergency service water pipeline replacement.
- More than 100 Hatch staff have worked on site and have an intimate knowledge of OPG’s systems, safety culture, configuration management, and radiation safety protocols.
- Fire studies conducted at Darlington meet regulatory requirements necessary for OPG's operating license. Additional fire protection measures were successfully addressed by alternative compliance resulting in a reduction of project cost. The Hatch Fire Risk group worked closely with OPG throughout the project to understand the unique needs of the project.