Two Hatch employees identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to ensure the project objectives are met.

Transaction services

Exceeding objectives and expectations


Understanding and integrating the business, financial, socio-environmental, and technical aspects in the metals, energy, and infrastructure sectors is complex. Translating these insights and identify the key drivers of value and risk for your transactions and projects even more so.


Hatch can help producers, as well as their lenders and investors, to identify, assess, and mitigate risk as well as enable opportunities, and to ensure project objectives meet or exceed expectations. 

Technical, market, and environmental due diligence

Support for mergers, acquisition, investment, and divestment decisions through comprehensive technical, market, environmental, and social reviews.

Lenders’ technical advisor

We support lenders throughout all phases of project life, from advisory services for the credit committee to construction, completion, and ramp-up monitoring.

Related projects

Related Services and Technologies

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