Hatch Uranium



Mining uranium comes with a unique challenge: radiation. Uranium metal, concentrates, and by-products—especially radioactive radon gas—all pose a special set of risks and hazards.

It follows that safety, environmental, and social requirements are particularly rigorous where uranium is concerned. The highest standards must be maintained, even when budgets are tight.

Extracting high-grade deposits of uranium comes with technical challenges, too: groundwater, rock properties, and the need for proper radiation protection. To address these concerns, producers need innovative ground-freezing techniques and mechanized, non-entry underground-mining methods.

For lower-grade deposits that may rely on open-pit and underground mining methods, the search continues for more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible processes.

The uranium mining industry has had a history of escalating cost-and-schedule overruns. To keep the lid on time and money, proper planning is essential—and this is the very step that's often compromised during the study phase when resources are tight. Economy here can often lead to difficult and expensive challenges later during the project implementation phase, negating any savings that might have been gained on the front end.


Test work, pilot plants, and demonstration plants

For a uranium project to be successful, it's critical that test work is properly interpreted and scaled up to commercial capacity. Design criteria for both process and equipment must be defined appropriately, and materials of construction selected that are right for the job. You need a partner to establish rigorous test-work requirements and participate in their execution.


Our breadth of experience means we can offer integrated applications that apply to all aspects of resource project development: from geological modeling to mine optimization and design; from process optimization, mill-design and commissioning assistance to financial evaluation and operational support.

Process development and design

A strong focus on process sets us apart from others in the consulting engineering services marketplace. We're relentless innovators. Process design and implementation must be novel and rigorous, and we contribute thoroughly...throughout our clients' project life cycles.

Environmental and social-management services

Environmental and social issues are factored into every phase of industrial development. Our engineers, environmental specialists, and social-management professionals work directly with project teams to maximize value to you. We're experienced reputation managers, mitigating negative environmental impacts in every way.

Project implementation

Successful projects proceed step-by-step; phase-by-phase. We work with our clients, planning carefully for quality outcomes that minimize the risk of harm to people, places and things. This phased approach has stood the test of time. It's project development at its best, reducing risk and delivering predictable, consistent outcomes.

Operational performance

Operational improvement strategies and project-delivery strengths combine into one cohesive, flexible offering. Key business outcomes are delivered. A step-change in operating performance is achieved. Our outcome-based approach spans the entire business life cycle, from concept to closure.

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