Nuclear Development and Waste Management: Meeting Indigenous Peoples’ needs and values on proposed approaches and solutions by Susanne Prince and Julia Domaradzki

Author(s) S. Prince and J. Domaradzki

Canada began engaging with Indigenous peoples over three decades ago on a geological disposal concept of nuclear waste management. During this time Indigenous Peoples have expressed and continue to express concerns and opposition. In 2002, Canada appointed the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (MNWO), which submitted the Adaptive Phased Management (APM) approach in 2005 after 3 years of dialogue with Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. In response, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) passed a resolution that identified concerns including lack of meaningful consultation and urging Canada to develop alternative energy sources to nuclear reactors. Nuclear waste management is an important issue to resolve as Canada looks to address climate change through clean energy and a push for nuclear development through the National Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Action Plan signed by Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and New Brunswick. Instead of relying on academic research, this paper is grounded in worldviews gathered through interviews with First Nations People and presents key themes identified by the interview participants related to the nuclear energy sector.