Implementing risk-based inspection (RBI) and life cycle monitoring into refractory lining management of pyrometallurgical furnaces

Author(s) A. Sadri, M. Tibbo, M. Naghizadeh, B. Climenhaga, R. Santini, H. Cornett, W. Watson, W. Ying, L. Kelly, P. Moodley, T. Sisya, A. Paraje
Published in the proceedings from the 62nd conference of metallurgists (COM 2023) - August 21-24, 2023 - Toronto, ON


The crucible of metallurgical assets should be considered alongside the ore, the backbone of the smelting industry. Without it, molten metal production and transport vessels could not operate. Loss of integrity in the crucible is catastrophic for an operation, risking worker safety, production availability, and capital expenditure. In the pyrometallurgical process, specifically in the furnace crucible, the quality of refractory lining, the feed or calcine, and the feeding system is the bottleneck of the entire plant. Therefore, it is paramount that an accurate understanding of the refractory lining condition is maintained. The traditional approach to managing risk has persisted in a planned and proactive maintenance strategy, where risk is controlled by completing repairs at fixed intervals. In some cases, this has resulted in overly conservative and costly repair schemes and, in other cases, in easily avoidable furnace leaks and run outs. An ideal monitoring and maintenance strategy is a data-driven, risk-based, and predictive strategy in which data from furnace instrumentation and operator observations are combined with management targets to adjust the operation and plan proactive repairs. This more advanced approach results in safer operations, minimized downtime and repair costs, and reduced industrial waste/emissions.

This chapter describes our novel life cycle management method and its implementation of Risk-Based Inspections (RBI) and refractory management for pyrometallurgical process vessels and furnaces. In support of these management tools, case studies are presented to demonstrate how a data-driven predictive refractory maintenance strategy allows the operation of the furnace beyond its campaign life prediction.