Casthouse Practice and Blast Furnace Casthouse Rebuild
This paper will attempt to impart an understanding of the principles behind casting practice and its effect on Blast Furnace operation.
The paper will follow a path beginning with a review of technological limitations on pre 1970 designed casthouses and refractories. It will then be followed by explanations of present day furnace process requirements and Blast Furnace Operator’s casthouse objectives.
An example of modernizing a 1960’s vintage two-taphole furnace will be discussed. The discussion will follow the evolution of this modernization including installation of tilting runners and a fugitive emission collection system during operation, results of trough water modeling studies, and the complete revamp of both casthouses during a reline.
The lecture presentation will cover some of the information provided in the text. However, the lecture will take on an interactive approach encouraging student participation while demonstrating the impact of casthouse design and maintenance on the Operator’s successful management of the casthouse operation.