Energy and Mines Australia Summit
Affordable, reliable, and sustainable power for mines
Hatch is pleased to sponsor, exhibit and present at the Energy and Mines Australia Summit, June 19-20 at The Westin in Perth, Australia.
Australian miners are leading the sector’s energy transformation towards affordable, reliable, and sustainable power. Falling prices for renewables combined with rising energy costs and unreliable supply are driving new energy projects and creating partnerships between the resource sector and alternative energy providers.
The Energy and Mines Australia Summit is where these partnerships develop. Now in its third year, the event showcases new projects, providing operational and strategic detail to mine energy decision-makers. The event focuses on the latest developments and deployments in microgrids, storage, electrification, hydrogen, and other key technologies in mining’s energy transition.
Hatch’s director of hybrid power, Michel Carreau, will chair a panel discussion on “Global developments in hybrids and microgrids for mines” on Wednesday, June 19 at 3:50 p.m. The discussion will address recent examples of mining hybrids and achieving new standards in fuel and carbon savings.
For more information on energy storage, read Michel’s blogs, Renewable energy is a necessity, not a choice and Energy storage: a kW saved is a kW earned
To find out more about how renewable power can be integrated into a mine’s energy mix, see our profile of the Raglan Mine Integrated Wind-Storage-Diesel Energy project, here.
Follow @HatchGlobal for the latest updates. For more information on the event, visit the conference website.