2016 TAC Conference & Exhibition

Delivering smarter solutions to manage increasing transportation demands

September 25 – 28, 2016
Toronto Sheraton Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

By 2035, we can expect five billion more city-dwellers to share, live in, and move around our urban centers.  It’s time to think smarter and longer-term to meet their transportation needs. 

At this year’s Transportation Association conference in Toronto, some of Hatch’s most senior infrastructure specialists are discussing urban solutions with a long-term view. Through project examples and best practice development, our TAC presenters will explain how to deliver more holistic, smarter infrastructure to meet future urban transit demand.

Here’s the line-up:

Tuesday, September 27:

Wednesday, September 28:

  • 9:00 a.m. Philip Murray, our senior vice president of infrastructure, presents on “ Hodder Avenue Underpass: Innovative use of ultra-high-performance concrete for rapid bridge construction” in the Linden Room, Mezzanine Level
  • 9:30 a.m. Tom Eichenbaum a project advisor with 38 years’ experience, will present on “King Road/rail grade separation–an innovative construction of a new road underpass” in the Linden Room, Mezzanine Level
  • 10:30 a.m. Andy Hares a senior project manager, will present on  “Utility coordination: North-West Path Pedestrian Tunnel” in the Birchwood Ballroom, Mezzanine Level
  • 11:00 a.m. Tom Eichenbaum will present on “TAC’S new Canadian roundabout design guide – 2016” in the Chestnut West Room, Mezzanine Level

The 2016 TAC conference and exhibition is hosted by Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation, the City of Toronto, and Metrolinx.

Follow @HatchGlobal on Twitter and register for the conference here.